Friday 2 December 2011

Gingerman is coming to town~ 姜饼人快要来咯~

Hey everyone, Christmas just around the corner. Are you ready for all the up coming Christmas party?
Make sure Hurix's products are with you all the time to kick away all the sickness.
You won't have fun when you are sick.

Hurix's care for your Health!!



Thursday 15 September 2011

Treat a sore throat by using herbs 治咽喉痛的草药

Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Radix 甘草

Glycyrrhiza uralensis, also known as Chinese liquorice, common used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Radix consists of the dried roots and rhizomes of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. It has been used in clinical medicine to moisture and relaxing, neutralize strong medicine, detoxification, ease pain, antispasmodic, modify the taste, relieve cough and reduce phlegm.

For throat swollen and painful, cough with sputum, palpitation and shortness of breath, weak spleen and stomach, fatique and loss of energy, gastrointestinal ulcer, cramps in abdominal and limps, healing of sore and carbuncle, alleviate poisonous or strong medicine, treat food poisoning and others.



Indigo Naturalis 青黛

Indigo Naturalis, a traditional chinese medicine which also known as Qing Dai. It is a dried pigment of the leaves of the following plants: Baphieacanthuscusia(NEES)BREM (马蓝), Indigofera tinctoria LINN. (木蓝), Isatis tinctoria LINN. (菘蓝), Isatis indigotica FORT. (草大青) and Polygonum tinctorium LOUR. (蓼蓝).



Flos Lonicera Japonica  金银花

Jin Yin Hua (also known as Japanese Honeysuckle or Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers opening white and fading to yellow, thus named Jin Yin Hua (Gold Silver Flower). It is used (often in combination with Forsythia suspensa) to dispel heat and remove toxins, including carbuncles, fevers, influenza and ulcers.

It is common to find Japanese Honeysuckle paired in Chinese medicine herbal formulations with Forsythia (Lian Qiao, Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae). According to Chinese medicine, these herbs, when combined, have a synergistic medicinal effect to address indications such as fever with headache and sore throat. This is why these two herbs are considered "paired herbs."



Fructus Forsythia Suspensa  连翘

Forsythia is a plant. The fruit is used for medicine.

Forsythia is used for swelling of small air passages in the lung (bronchiolitis), tonsillitis, sore throat, fever, vomiting, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, pain and swelling (inflammation), and a severe skin rash with fever and vomiting caused by a bacterium (erysipelas).


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Symptoms of Sore Throat 咽喉痛症状

Symptoms of a sore throat may vary depending on the cause. Signs and symptoms may include:
  • Pain or a scratchy sensation in the throat
  • Pain that worsens with swallowing or talking
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Dry throat
  • Sore, swollen glands in your neck or jaw
  • Swollen, red tonsils
  • White patches or pus on your tonsils
  • Hoarse or muffled voice
  • Refusal to eat (infants and toddlers)
Common infections causing a sore throat may result in other accompanying signs and symptoms:
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Body aches
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting

  • 喉咙疼痛或痕痒
  • 吞咽或说话的时候感觉疼痛 
  • 难以吞咽
  • 喉干
  • 痛,颈部或下颚淋巴结肿大 
  • 扁桃体红肿 
  • 扁桃体出现白斑或脓 
  • 声音嘶哑或沙哑 
  • 拒绝饮食(婴幼儿)
  • 发烧
  • 畏寒
  • 流鼻涕
  • 打喷嚏
  • 身体疼痛
  • 头痛
  • 恶心或呕吐

Causes of Sore Throat 咽喉痛起因

* Viral infections
Viral illnesses that cause a sore throat include:
  • Common cold
  • Flu (influenza)
  • Mononucleosis (mono)
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox
  • Croup — a common childhood illness characterized by a harsh, barking cough
* Bacterial infections
Bacterial infections that can cause a sore throat include:

  • Strep throat, which is caused by a bacterium known as Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A streptococcus
  • Whooping cough, a highly contagious respiratory tract infection
  • Diphtheria, a serious respiratory illness that's rare in industrialized nations but is more common in developing countries

* Other causes
Other causes of sore throat include:
  • Allergies (Allergic Rhinitis). Allergies to pet dander, molds, dust and pollen can cause a sore throat. The problem may be complicated by postnasal drip that can irritate and inflame the throat.
  • Dryness. Dry indoor air, especially in winter when buildings are heated, can make your throat feel rough and scratchy, particularly in the morning when you first wake up. Breathing through your mouth — often because of chronic nasal congestion — also can cause a dry, sore throat.
  • Irritants. Outdoor air pollution can cause ongoing throat irritation. Indoor pollution — tobacco smoke or chemicals -also can cause chronic sore throat. Chewing tobacco, alcohol and spicy foods also can irritate your throat.
  • Muscle strain. You can strain muscles in your throat just as you can strain them in your arms or legs. Yelling at a sporting event, trying to talk to someone in a noisy environment or talking for long periods without rest can result in a sore throat and hoarseness.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a digestive system disorder in which stomach acids or other contents of the stomach back up in the food pipe (esophagus). Other signs or symptoms may include heartburn, hoarseness, regurgitation of stomach contents and the sensation of a lump in your throat.
  • HIV infection. A sore throat and other flu-like symptoms sometimes appear early after someone is infected with HIV. Also, a person who is HIV-positive may have a chronic or recurring sore throat due to a secondary infection. Common problems include a fungal infection called oral thrush and cytomegalovirus infection, a common viral infection that can be serious in people with compromised immune systems.
  • Tumors. Cancerous tumors of the throat, tongue or voice box (larynx) can cause a sore throat. Other signs or symptoms may include hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, noisy breathing, a lump in the neck, and blood in saliva or phlegm.

* 病毒感染
  • 普通感冒
  • 流感
  • 单核细胞增多症
  • 麻疹
  • 水痘 
  • 哮吼-孩童通俗病,特征为犬吠样咳嗽

* 细菌感染
  • 链球菌性喉炎,因化脓性链球菌所引起,或称A群链球菌。
  • 百日咳,一种传染性极强的呼吸道感染。
  • 白喉,一种严重的呼吸系统疾病,在工业化国家中较罕见,常见于发展中国家。

* 其他因素
  • 过敏 (鼻子敏感)。 宠物皮屑,霉菌,灰尘和花粉过敏都可造成咽喉痛。鼻涕倒流造成咽喉痕痒和发炎,使问题复杂化。
  • 干燥。 干燥的室内空气,尤其是冬天时室内被加热,可令您的咽喉干燥痕痒,特别是当您一早睡醒的时候。因鼻塞而用嘴巴呼吸也会导致喉咙干燥,造成咽喉痛。
  • 刺激物。室外的空气污染不断刺激咽喉。室内污染如烟草烟雾或化学成份可造成慢性咽喉炎。嚼烟草,酒精和辛辣食物也可刺激咽喉。 
  • 肌肉拉伤。 您可能拉伤咽喉肌肉,如同您拉伤手臂或大腿肌肉一样。在运动场合中大声喊叫、在吵杂环境中与别人高声谈话或长时间无休讲话将造成咽喉痛和声音沙哑。
  • 胃食道逆流疾病 (GERD)。 胃食道逆流疾病是一种胃酸或胃内容物逆流至食道的系统紊乱情况。其他症状包括心口灼热,声音嘶哑,胃内容物逆流和一块东西卡在喉咙的感觉。
  • 爱滋病毒。一个人感染上爱滋病的早期症状是咽喉痛和其他类似流感的症状。一个呈爱滋病阳性的人可能因继发性感染而导致慢性或周期性咽喉痛。 常见问题包括一种称为鹅口疮和巨细胞病毒的感染。一般病毒感染发生于免疫系统受损的人将是病情恶化。 
  • 肿瘤。 咽喉,舌部或声带的癌肿瘤可造成咽喉痛。其他症状包括声音嘶哑,难以吞咽,呼吸杂声,脖子上的肿块和唾液或痰带血。

Types of Sore Throat 咽喉痛类型

  • Pharyngitis: The pharynx, the area of your throat directly behind your mouth and soft palate, is a common hallway for food, liquids, and air. Swallowing safely delivers solids and liquids to the stomach through the esophagus. Pharyngitis is pain and inflammation of the pharynx.
  • Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis typically involves inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils are located on either side of the base of the tongue).

  • Laryngitis (voicebox inflammation): The larynx, the top portion of your windpipe (trachea), has an important gatekeeper function. It allows passage of air in and out of the lungs (through the trachea), but bars the entry of solids and liquids. Sound production at the vocal cords is an important side job of the larynx. Laryngitis is pain and inflammation of the larynx (often associated with a hoarse voice). Croup is a form of laryngitis in children (it tends to be associated with a seal bark cough and difficulty inhaling air).

  • Epiglottitis: This rare type of sore throat is inflammation of the epiglottis (a tall semitubular structure at the opening to the larynx separating it from the base of the tongue).

  • 咽喉炎:咽喉部位,即口腔和软腭之后,是食物、液体和空气的管道。吞咽将固体和液体输送至食道。咽喉炎就是咽喉部位疼痛和发炎。
  • 扁桃体炎:通常是扁桃体发炎(扁桃体位于舌根两侧)。
  • 喉炎:喉,即气管上方,是一个重要的出入口处。它允许空气通过气管出入肺部,但阻止固体和液体流进。声带发出声音,是喉的另一项任务。喉炎是喉部疼痛或发炎(往往造成声音嘶哑)。哮吼是一种发生在孩童身上的喉炎(犬吠样咳嗽和呼吸困难通常同步发生)。
  • 会厌炎:比较少见的咽喉痛类型,因会厌发炎所引起。会厌是指位于舌根和舌骨后方,悬挂在咽入口前方的叶状弹性纤维软骨片。

Sore throat 咽喉痛

Your throat is a tube that carries food to your esophagus and air to your windpipe and larynx. The technical name for throat is pharynx.

Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. It often makes it painful to swallow. Pharyngitis is caused by swelling (inflammation) of the pharynx, which is in the back of the throat, between the tonsils and the voicebox (larynx).

Most sore throats are caused by a viral infection, such as the cold or flu. Some viruses can cause specific types of sore throat, such as coxsackie infection or mononucleosis. Bacteria that can cause pharyngitis include Group A streptococcus, which leads to strep throat in some cases. Other, less-common bacteria that cause sore throats include corynebacterium, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.

Most cases of pharyngitis occur during the colder months. The illness often spreads among family members.



