Tuesday 13 September 2011

Types of Sore Throat 咽喉痛类型

  • Pharyngitis: The pharynx, the area of your throat directly behind your mouth and soft palate, is a common hallway for food, liquids, and air. Swallowing safely delivers solids and liquids to the stomach through the esophagus. Pharyngitis is pain and inflammation of the pharynx.
  • Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis typically involves inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils are located on either side of the base of the tongue).

  • Laryngitis (voicebox inflammation): The larynx, the top portion of your windpipe (trachea), has an important gatekeeper function. It allows passage of air in and out of the lungs (through the trachea), but bars the entry of solids and liquids. Sound production at the vocal cords is an important side job of the larynx. Laryngitis is pain and inflammation of the larynx (often associated with a hoarse voice). Croup is a form of laryngitis in children (it tends to be associated with a seal bark cough and difficulty inhaling air).

  • Epiglottitis: This rare type of sore throat is inflammation of the epiglottis (a tall semitubular structure at the opening to the larynx separating it from the base of the tongue).

  • 咽喉炎:咽喉部位,即口腔和软腭之后,是食物、液体和空气的管道。吞咽将固体和液体输送至食道。咽喉炎就是咽喉部位疼痛和发炎。
  • 扁桃体炎:通常是扁桃体发炎(扁桃体位于舌根两侧)。
  • 喉炎:喉,即气管上方,是一个重要的出入口处。它允许空气通过气管出入肺部,但阻止固体和液体流进。声带发出声音,是喉的另一项任务。喉炎是喉部疼痛或发炎(往往造成声音嘶哑)。哮吼是一种发生在孩童身上的喉炎(犬吠样咳嗽和呼吸困难通常同步发生)。
  • 会厌炎:比较少见的咽喉痛类型,因会厌发炎所引起。会厌是指位于舌根和舌骨后方,悬挂在咽入口前方的叶状弹性纤维软骨片。

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